ManipulatePlot[f_, {t, min, max}, {p1, min, max}, ..., opts___]
a dynamic alternative to Plot and Mathematica's Manipulate
, that uses input elements and Offload technic to make a fast interactive plots of a given function f[t, p1, p2...]
the set of parameters are not limited and accepts the following forms
ManipulatePlot[f_, {t, min, max}, {p1}, {p2}, ...]
ManipulatePlot[f_, {t, min, max}, {p1, min, max}, {p2}, ...]
ManipulatePlot[f_, {t, min, max}, {p1, min, max, step}, {p2}, ...]
ManipulatePlot[f_, {t, min, max}, {{p1, initial}, min, max}, {p2}, ...]
ManipulatePlot[f_, {t, min, max}, {{p1, initial, label}, min, max}, {p2}, ...]
ManipulatePlot[f_, {t, min, max}, {p1, values_List}, {p2}, ...]
ManipulatePlot[f_, {t, min, max}, {{p1, initial}, values_List}, {p2}, ...]
ManipulatePlot[f_, {t, min, max}, {{p1, initial, label}, values_List}, {p2}, ...]
where f
can return _Real
or {__Real}
A number of points used in sampling. The default value is 200
It inherits some of Graphics options as well
See TransitionType
Accepts {width, height}
Specifies colors for each curve
Appends graphics primitives to the plot. See Graphics
Similar to the option of InputRange. It provides an external control over the sliders. Your expression must be an array of values with a length equal to the number of controlling parameters. For example
woo = {0.5, 0.6};
ManipulatePlot[Sin[ w x^2 + u], {x,0,10}, {w, 0, 1},{u, 0,1}, "TrackedExpression"->Offload[woo]]
now you can update it by setting a new value
woo = {0.3, 0.2, 1.3}
Plot the simplest sine function
ManipulatePlot[Sin[w z + p], {z,0,10}, {w, 0, 15.1, 1}, {p, 0, Pi, 0.1}]
Or give a choice to a user
ManipulatePlot[f[w z + p], {z,0,10}, {w, 0, 15.1, 1}, {p, 0, Pi, 0.1}, {f, {Sin, Cos}}]
Help needed!
There is no adaptive sampling implemented.